JRA Landscape Architecture PLLC River Plaza Reconstruction triangle  
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JRA_River Plaza_Entry Drive
JRA_River Plaza_Aerial   River Plaza is located in the heart of downtown Chicago amongst a number of historic high rise buildings. River Plaza was originally constructed in 1975, but due to the natural aging of the building it has required periodic reconstruction. The mixed use building encompasses a variety of programming, including parking underneath an entry plaza, a cafe, and an entry to the plaza of the Trump Tower. Jacobs/Ryan Associates (JRA) collaborated with Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. structural engineers to update the entry plaza design and address waterproof membrane issues for this project site which rests entirely above the parking garage.
The homeowners in the high-end condo building wanted an entry with a more contemporary aesthetic and a planting enhancement to beautify and define their entry way. The full extent of the scope included a design that articulated the significant grade change from street to plaza by utilizing different materials for the two levels, which included brick masonry, precast concretes, stainless steel benches and handrails, a stainless steel cable trellis and site lighting. The planting selection included columnar oaks to frame the plaza, abundant swaths of flowering perennials, and plentiful space for bright seasonals. The space has both a private and park-like feel.   JRA_River Plaza_Planter
JRA_River Plaza_Front Rendering
JRA_River Plaza_Perspective  

JRA prepared digital models, walkthroughs, and renderings of the project to develop the design and facilitate client conceptualization of the project. JRA also created documents detailing construction and has led consultant coordination for the project.

Client: Residents of River Plaza; Engineers: Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.

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JRA_River Plaza_Plantings
    JRA Landscape Architecture PLLC Landscape Architects triangle
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  www.jacobsryan.com (p) 312.664.3217 / (f) 312.337.1550   1527 N. Sandburg Terrace, Chicago IL 60610